Monthly Archives: June 2016

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Dr Tiny Cat’s Purrscription

By two_kittehs

She Is the Champion, My Friends

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton, became the first woman to clinch the nomination of a major party for the President of the United States. I was an Obot in 2008 and was not completely taken in by Hillary Clinton when the primary season started even this time around. I was hoping that some one else would emerge on the scene like Barack Obama had 8 years earlier. However, as the primary season went on I slowly drifted into Hillary’s corner, mainly because her competition was pathetic. Maryland governor O’Malley looked good on paper but failed to make any impression, Jim Webb seemed like he had wandered into the wrong primary contest, I just could not see the  appeal of his Scots-Irish shtick to the Democratic electorate.  I was always skeptical of Bernie Sanders because his record in office did not match his soaring rhetoric. When it came to issues like immigration and gun control Bernie Sanders positions as a Congressman and then a Senator had not been particularly progressive.

As the contest went on it became increasingly obvious that Sanders policy expertise was tissue thin and besides rhetoric he had little to offer. At this stage of the campaign he has proved himself no better than a toddler throwing a tantrum because he did not get his way.

Hillary Clinton is a survivor and a champion fighter. She has had more brickbats than bouquets thrown at her  and she still soldiers on. I salute her resilience and spirit. I envy the energy she brings to the fight day in and day out, no matter what.

So to celebrate her  historic win after a hard fought and a long battle I offer you, We are the Champions, by Queen for the Queen. The lyrics could have been written by Hillary  herself!

I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I’ve come through


Immigrant Song

Viking Cat is Your Overlord Now

cat,led zeppelin,land,snow,ice,caption

By two_kittehs

Because its always the right time for Viking Kittens singing Led Zepplin’s Immigrant Song.