Category Archives: Cats

Who Does This Kitteh Remind You Of?


I swear there was no collusion


By two_kittehs

For more of my first page lols click here

What Brings You Joy?

When life gets you down, what perks you up? This is my list in no particular order

  • Sound of my cats purring : Is there any sound more soothing than the whirring purr motor? Instant bliss.
  • Long Walks: It can be beautiful country side dotted with barns and old houses, or watching the gentle waves washing the barriers on Marine Drive
  • Hot Tea: It warms the belly and the heart, the stronger the better, with milk and sugar of course.
  • Monsoon Rains: I love the rains, especially heavy rains, the sound of water falling gives me peace
  • First Snow: Nature’s instant makeover makes everything look oh so pretty 
  • A page turner: Wodehouse and Christie are tried and tested stress relievers for me. I must have read each and everyone of their books by now.
  • Vigorous exercise: Especially the ones where you hit your stride and are vigorous enough that they take you out your head. Dancing, running or brisk walks and yoga are my favorite.
  • Music that mesmerizes: It has to have words though, just plain instrumental music doesn’t do it for me.
  • Watching a sunset or a sunrise: Never fails to make me happy, beautiful and calming
  • Being creative: Writing, cooking or doing some DIY project, painting are all pretty satisfying
  • Organizing and Cleaning: Makes me feel in charge, at least of my immediate surrounding and that helps when I am feeling overwhelmed

They Spark Joy

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By two_kittehs

  • When I make the first page of ICHC/lolcats: Always an ego boost to know that others find my creations funny more here

It is Diwali, So Light Your Lamp, and Vote Blue

Diwali, the festival of lights is here. May there be light in both my ancestral and my adopted home which have taken a disastrous turn towards darkness in the recent years by electing leaders who maintain their grip on power by appealing to fear and by fostering hate.

We all need to do our bit to banish the darkness, so go vote,  if you haven’t voted yet, go vote. Your country needs you, the world needs you. Your vote is your voice and your message. Vote for those who cannot vote to protect themselves, the children still separated from their parents sitting in cages, immigrants who pick your lettuce, the doctors who could potentially save your  life after you have had a heart attack. The knowlege workers and other immigrants performing tasks large and small to keep the economy humming and the country running. The current president and the compliant legislature controlled by his party, the Republican party has declared a war on them by calling them moochers, job stealers, rapists and murders.

Vote to protect the future generations who will have to bear the brunt of the tax cuts for the 1% and ravages of global warming. Go out there and vote. People have died so you have the right to vote. I voted early, my first vote in a general election after becoming a citizen last July.

So light your lamp be a force for good and vote blue.

I don’t want to hear any excuses

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By two_kittehs

Another Front Page

Victory Dance

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By two_kittehs

I made this when Conor Lamb won his special election in PA. For more first page lols check here. What do you think they are really doing? I think they are going to rumble.

Caturday Kitteh, Needs His Executive Time

I should has brought my smart phone

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By two_kittehs

He made the first page on ICHC/lolcats two days ago. More FP lols here.

Stable Genius Makes the Front Page

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By two_kittehs

For my other front page lols at click here. Its executive time so I will see you later!

Happy New Year

Boss Cat wishes You A Happy New Year!

A Better Orange President

Whut did he just say?

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By two_kittehs

Kitteh has advantages over the Orange One in the White House. I can think of three distinct advantages

1. No tweeting only purring

2. Adorable visage

3. Plenty of fur so no comb over necessary

Can you think of any ?

Writer Kitteh Is Back

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Last year was an eventful one for me personally and also for the world. We moved again, this time to a home of our own, I became a citizen of the country that has been my home for over two decades. Meanwhile the United States and India seem to have lost its collective mind and soul.

I have realized that we must keep speaking the truth as we see it, because those who want to destroy liberty, first try to obscure the truth and muddy it. This includes scientific truth. Power and money are no match for it in the long run. We know Galileo and Einstein by name while their detractors languish in relative obscurity.

There is so much to say that I haven’t said yet, where should I start?

ETA: Blogger kitteh made it to the FP of ICHC/lolcats.

Caturday Cat Is Doing Ceiling Cat’s Work

Spreading the Cute and Not The Hate

By two_kittehs

I made a lol after a long time and was pleasantly surprised to see it make the FP. Other FP lols here. My post on DS9 and the first part of the review of Emissary over here.