Writer Kitteh Is Back

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Last year was an eventful one for me personally and also for the world. We moved again, this time to a home of our own, I became a citizen of the country that has been my home for over two decades. Meanwhile the United States and India seem to have lost its collective mind and soul.

I have realized that we must keep speaking the truth as we see it, because those who want to destroy liberty, first try to obscure the truth and muddy it. This includes scientific truth. Power and money are no match for it in the long run. We know Galileo and Einstein by name while their detractors languish in relative obscurity.

There is so much to say that I haven’t said yet, where should I start?

ETA: Blogger kitteh made it to the FP of ICHC/lolcats.

Posted on August 13, 2017, in Blog Related, Cats, Lolcats, Lols, Reflections and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Hang in there. Writer Cat. Ceiling Cat iw with you!!

  2. ARggg !!! iw s.b. IS with you.

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