Some Thoughts on the 2016 Oscars

So far I have only seen one of the nominees for the Best Picture, was glad to see it get the best picture award.  Spotlight was a brilliant movie, I was riveted from start to finish. Excellent story, I was rooting for Mark Ruffalo to win the best supporting actor Oscar.On my list to see next, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn and Mad Max: Fury Road. Here is the complete list of winners and now for the more important things!

Chris Rock was funnier and more biting than last few Oscar hosts.

Best Dressed Winner : Brie Larson

Best Dressed Presenter: Tina Fey

Best Acceptance Speech : Mark Rylance, the winner of the supporting actor award. British actors give really good speeches don’t they? I wonder what their secret is, elocution competitions in school?

Best Presenter: Sasha Baron Cohen in his Ali G persona. Question: Has he ever interviewed Trump as Ali G?

Best Musical Performance: Lady Gaga, Till it Happens to You. I loved the song, first time that I had ever heard it.

LolCat Acceptance Speech

By two_kittehs

BTW Do you like my outfit?

Posted on February 29, 2016, in Cats, Movies, Review and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I also loved Tina Fey’s dress but, as everyone who knows me IRL can tell you, I’m pretty obsessed with purple.

    Mark Rylance’s accent struck me as a little odd, so I looked him up in IMDb. He was born in England but spent about a decade in the US as a kid (his father was a professor in Connecticut and Wisconsin), so that may explain it.

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