Happy Halloween!

By two_kittehs

Happy Halloween! Other Halloween lols here. What is your favorite scary movie? For me it is a tossup between Exorcist and Psycho. Do you dress up your kittehs for Halloween? I am too scared of bosscat to be so impertinent.

Posted on October 31, 2015, in Cats, Holidays, Lolcats, Lols and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. “The Haunting” (1963 version) is and always will be the spookiest movie ever for me. It literally gives me cold chills, to the point where I thought one movie theater I saw it in had its air conditioning up too high, only to realize after the movie was over that it was actually quite warm in there.

  2. It spooks me even when it turns up on TCM, so yes! Just make sure you can have the sound at a decent level — the one time I showed it to people and they didn’t like it was when we had to keep the volume really low because my friend’s roommate was sleeping, and it didn’t work as well since you couldn’t hear the voiceover and sound effects.

  3. I saw it too, interim formatting didn’t look too promising. Also, too, too light.

  4. The new BJ won’t be green. It’s still bluish.

  5. Thanks! Is that Tommy’s voice or John’s voice in the video tutorial?

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